Self hate is the vehicle of our destruction. We are in the drivers seat with our eyes closed.

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There's a therapeutic/self-help technique called 'Focusing' (developed by philosopher Eugene Gendlin) that is exactly what is argued for in this piece. In therapy sometimes people overthink and become too fixated on their theories of what is happening with them. Focusing teaches people to pay close attention to how they feel as they attempt to describe their predicament. By paying close attention in this way, they can refine their description of their feelings until the description truly matches their feeling. This creates an unmistakable recognition that they have accurately mapped their feelings and their meaning. There is a marked reduction in tension that accompanies this. By doing this you can stay away from this over reasoning described in this piece.

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There is a great deal of irony here.

First of all that Christianity is based on Islamic texts.

Second: Islamic texts are based on Hindi texts.

Third of all that the Catholic church, once they had their hot little hands on said texts crusaded the Saracens off "Vatican" land, and/so

Fourth: the Vatican has invited the hordes back in to Europe because the Holy See claims the Whole Sea.

"Islam might be incompatible with the liberal left, but it is equally incompatible with the Western spirit and tradition."

The Spirit from 'western spirit and tradition' is the same spirit which pervades humanity. Spirit is Spirit. So it must be 'tradition' that you're speaking of, which is a thousand years old, and based on Islam.

So the question here- because I don't see Europeans spoiling for a fight after your correctly titled, 'Weariness' is- to what end?

Is multiculturalism the way forward because all 'traditions' must be destroyed in this new age? My daughter has a muslim girlfriend like I had Japanese, Indian and Eurasian girlfriends; she came to the house, we invited her in warmly, fed her, etc. She's human, she smiles and chats, she wanted to see my daughter in her prettiest dresses and to have a 'tennis lesson' from her.

How long, realistically-speaking, does anyone see the Islamic religion standing under the heavy weight of materialist western influences? Muslim women from Arabia may wear a headscarf or a burkha but I always see the spangliest, shiniest, sparkliest sneakers on their feet and many wear more make-up than the European women. Without their mothers to give them away, muslim girls appear European.

Perhaps the Vatican is doing something we're not aware of yet. Perhaps they are attempting a balance between the east and the west in an alchemical sense. We know they play long games. If we see that in spite of the difference of religion (so-called) and culture we are all little atmans sparking around the place trying to get home to the Original Fire, then unity is possible and maybe they'll accept we're okay, the Spirit is eternal, and see ya later. What do we want? Meaning, love, direction.

You say we see the negative; electrically-speaking that's a cathode, which is the same (Sanskrit) origin of Catholic. It's 'a way down', a negative pole.

I know about the Kalergi Plan, maybe it's bigger than that.

Liberty is external permission to carry guns and ammo, freedom is internal and achieved through reflection as you say, 'meditation', and happens to correspond with the Satya Yuga.

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Is that God the essence from which we rise, or an ideal from which we fell?

The light shining through the film, or the images and narratives played out on it?

Are ideals absolute?

Truth, beauty, platonic forms are ideals. The village totem or alter is an ideal.

If every religion, cult, movement, ideology, etc considers its ideals as absolute and universal, how do these multitudes fit together, or is it all hate and war?

The essence of the organism is synchronization.

The essence of the ecosystem is harmonization.

One is the node, oneness is the network.

Yin and yang, not God Almighty.

Democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures. The family as godhead.

To the Ancients, monotheism meant monoculture. One people, one rule, one god.

The Romans adopted a monotheistic sect as state religion around the time the Empire was rising from the ashes of the Republic. The Big Guy Rules. Divine right of kings.

When the West went back to more populist forms of government, it required separation of church and state, culture and civics. Is it any wonder we are so schizophrenic?

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“See things as they are.” Indeed

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Every step of reasoning has a significant chance of error. After a few steps, reasoning becomes a game of telephone with the truth.

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I’m not sure I totally understand all the references and analogies, but these conclusions ring true to me. I’m going to do some additional reading about Descartes and other references. Appreciate this essays!

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Great article

Would be flattered if you wrote about African culture and Barbarism

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